No, no, dearest reader… there is nothing graphic about this.
We always use “the heart is deceitful” as an excuse to abandon our hearts and justify the brokenness that happens after a fall, when the real villain all along has been the head. Let’s look into our dear ol’ buddy Adam. Even by our standards, he was living the life that Kilimani boys could never! We all know his story, so let’s view it from another POV. Adam’s heart was content with God’s providence before the snake did his thing. Upon eating the fruit, his heart shifted, and his head took over, making him conscious of his nakedness.

A form he was never insecure over before, and now he scrambled to cover it, just like you. See, some experiences made you so self-conscious of your shortcomings, of your wrongs.
A broken heart made you stop listening to your heart and instead turned to your head, going cold.
Death of loved ones hardened you, and you became afraid of showing affection. I mean, c’mon, we both know you’re passionate and tender, and you burst in the warmth of endearment. But religiously listening to your thoughts robbed you of the thrill of doing things that once brought you joy.

And so when you went down on your knees and presented this version of yourself to God, He sought to understand :
What moved you from where He placed you?
What made you second guess how He made you?
What made you self-conscious of the most irrelevant details and derailed you from your path?
He asked, ” Who told you that you were naked?” 

Personally, self-doubt did…
What about you, friend?
Who told you that you were naked?

These words are as depicted in Genesis 3:11a, NIV Bible


  1. Eeeeiy girl 😍😍😍😍
    Very eye opening…
    I have been looking for a sermon and here it is….
    God bless you and keep it up 💖🥰


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