She suggested my favorite color first try.
But between me and you, I didn’t even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow! She was hella excited and smiling like a little kid. So I told her she was right, and I haven’t seen yellow the same since. It is in everything. I could probably live in it now.

She brought the colorful kindergartener doodle of sunshine to life. In all honesty, as time flew by and she let down her walls, mine went up around her in an attempt to shield her from everything wrong in life. When around me, she let go. I’m tempted to say she switched off her brain so we could use mine. She trusted me: a childlike kind of trust. It was the kind of trust that could trigger the protective aspect of any man.

I think she even adored me. I promise I am not overreacting because the button eyes never lie. The intense and focused gaze she had when I geeked out, the softness and warmth in them as I told her about my day, and the brightness and sparkle they held as soon as she saw me. Listen, man, they never lie.

The first time I saw her, she sat shyly in a corner sipping some hot cocoa. And boy! Wasn’t she some hot cocoa herself! She gave me reserved, one-word answers as though I was from an intelligence agency gathering intel to arrest her. If I were one though, I would arrest her. Her offense? A voice that could kill. Over time the words built to paragraphs, and soon she talked non-stop. Did she see a cute bird on her way to the shop? Yes. How did I know this? She sent a voice note as soon as it happened.
She was amazing!
Of course, I fell irrevocably.
I mean, have you seen her? Who wouldn’t?
This is the kind of love that can annihilate anyone when it ends.
But something must kill a man.

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